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Our award winning design
Stand designs
Our award-winning design lab creates a wow factor for your exhibition stand. We analyze, explore and research how to best bring your brand to life creatively and connect it with your target audience, clients, and stakeholders.
Why Choose Us?
Here are some articles that will help you make a decision:
Building in Bogota, Colombia
2 Projects 1 Manager
Dubai Airshow and ADIPEC
What makes us stand in the crowd is that we never say no to challenges. We love turning the impossible into physical reality. Check out our project at DAS21 for Sukhoi, where we managed the whole experience without leaving a scratch behind.
Check out our project
During the events, there is always a stand-by person for technical support and an onsite manager.
Building all over the UAE, Latin America, Europe, and Saudi Arabia.
What our clients say about us
Contact us to discuss your project
Wherever you are, and whatever your business is, let us know what are your goals and we will contact you shortly.